Content Marketing Services & Pricing Packages

By Documenting Your Content Strategy, Businesses Have Experienced…
Traffic increase


More Traffic

marketing icon


More Leads

building partnerships icon


More Sales

Pricing Packages For Blog Copywriting

Pricing Packages For Webpage Copywriting

(Design NOT included)

Pricing Packages For Content Marketing Services

Lead Generation Marketing Case Study

Insurance Agency

Online marketing case study. Doesn't include our assisted offline sales and renewals.



in New Visitors
Old: 4,663 Visitors
New: 11,439 Visitors

in Conversions

Old: 1.47% Conv Rate
New: 3.29% Conv Rate

in Leads
Old: 245 Leads
New: 804 Leads

How Much Budget Do You Need For Content Marketing?

47% of small businesses today spend $10,000 or more per year on content marketing, compared to 38% last year.

47% of small businesses spend $10,000+/yr on content marketing
the importance of content marketing

Why Content Marketing Is So Important To Small Businesses Today

Whether you have been in business for a long time or a start-up, content marketing is critical for telling your brand’s story, educating your audience about your services or products, and communicating the proper message at the right time in the right place to the right people.

Traditional marketing services just don’t produce the results they used to. Today’s consumer has access to lots of content and information all day, every day. You need to know what they are searching for, answer their questions, and guide them through the buyer’s journey until they make that final choice to pick your company.

3 Content Marketing Stats That Can’t Be Ignored

The world has recognized the enormous potential content marketing offers businesses to improve their search engine rankings, gain clout as a thought leader, attract website visitors, and drive social engagement. Yet only 32% of businesses have a documented content strategy.

70% of people would rather get their information about a company, product, or service from a blog post rather than a traditional form of advertisement.

Over 70% of small businesses believe their investment in content creation has been well worth it.

Companies have seen on average 27% more leads and 18% more sales due to the traffic increases and lead quality improvements generated by their content marketing strategies.

The Benefit Of A Documented Content Marketing Strategy

In order to accomplish this successfully, you need to develop a content marketing strategy based on research and data, create valuable content that is optimized for search engines like Google, and promote it everywhere your audience is in the format they want to digest it in. Making it shareable, memorable, and positioning your brand as the authority on the topic.

You need a dedicated team of content marketing specialists that strive for excellence and go the extra mile to put you above the competition. At Tag Marketing Agency, we follow a results-driven process and execute the most effective content services and deliverables included in our pricing packages that have resulted in home runs for our clients again and again.

content marketing strategy

Website Traffic

is 7.8x higher for businesses with a content strategy.

Content Marketing

costs 62% less than traditional services & generates 3x more leads.

Conversion Rates

are approximately 6x better with an adaptive content marketing plan.

Content Strategy

is included in 60% of the most successful companies.

List Of Content Marketing Services Offered

  • Blogging
  • Website Design
  • Keyword, Topic, & Competitor Research
  • Meta Tag Optimization
  • Copywriting
  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion Path Building
  • Copywriting
  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion Path Building
  • Image Optimization
  • Content Development

6-Step Content Marketing Process

email research phase

Phase 1: Content Strategy

Whether you are launching 1 page/post a month or several with a quarterly eBook or webinar, there must be a documented content strategy. We make sure it all relates perfectly to the larger picture, each piece has a similar yet separate focus, and everything gets marketed in the correct order so it can build up momentum to your goal.

Discover Phase

Phase 2: Content Development

We research your target audience to get a sense of what they need and want to know, which formats they want each in, where they are spending most of their time to view it, and what gaps we can fill that your competitors left open. Then, we research keywords and topics that we will use during our content creation and optimization steps.

Web Design content phase

Phase 3: Content Creation

Our team of copywriters, content creators, graphic designers, and marketing experts will start to develop the content and format it into your assets. For our smaller pricing packages it is various blog articles and web pages including industry pages, Q&A, FAQs, area pages, etc. For our larger premium content pricing packages, we actually work a little backwards by setting up the main piece of content and retooling it for your smaller assets that we use to market and build momentum for our gated landing page designed to capture leads.

Test & Launch Phase

Phase 4: Content Optimization

Here we SEO your content assets on the front-end and backend so search engines rank it and your target audience can find it. This service includes optimizing the meta tags, headings and paragraph text, the images, and call-to-action.

Email promotions

Phase 5: Content Promotion

Getting your content in front of your target audience is a must or it would all be for nothing. We will market your content across several channels including email campaigns, social media posts, and third-party websites. And it will all lead back to your blog or website where we can track the results.

Results Phase

Phase 6: Content Reporting

Tracking the performance of your content campaign is very important. It gives you insight into what was successful, what needs to be improved, and where to focus your efforts more the next time around. You can also align our content marketing services with your business goals.

Content Examples Mapped To Each Stage Of The Buyer’s Journey

It is critical to map content to the buyer’s journey. In other words, you should always market to consumers according to where they are in the sales funnel. And yes, the type of content matters!

awareness stage of buyer's journey

Awareness Stage

The buyer acknowledges they have a problem they need to solve.

  • Blogs
  • Guides
  • Ebooks
consideration stage of buyer's journey

Consideration Stage

The buyer defines their problem and explores options to solve it.

  • Comparison Charts
  • Detailed Whitepapers
  • Webinars
decision stage of buyer's journey

Decision Stage

The buyer makes a final decision about the solution they determine is best for solving their problem.

  • Case Studies
  • Free Trials
  • Live Demos

Types Of Content Included In Our Various Pricing Packages

Area Landing Pages

With content targeted to a specific city or state, area pages are perfect for capitalizing on local SEO searches. We create the page, write the content, and link it up internally within your website. To collect information about your page visitors, we set up tracking for form and call leads. And to make sure prospects can find you, we set up your Yext Powerlisting so that your business is listed in different local directories.

From there, we let target audiences know about your local presence through social media posts, paid ad campaigns, and email campaigns sent to lists segmented according to city and/or state.

Content Marketing: Area Landing Pages
Content Marketing: Industry Pages

Industry Pages

Getting the word out to leads in industries that your product or service could help is crucial, and industry pages do just that. We write content targeted to a specific industry after creating the landing page, complete with internal links to your website. We then SEO optimize it so that prospects in that industry will find it when they conduct a search.

We set up tracking to monitor form and call leads and let the target industry know about your product or service through email campaigns sent to lists segmented by industry, social media posts and paid ad campaigns.


Imagine telling a captive audience comprised of your ideal target customers about how your product or service can solve their pain points. A well written, well-optimized blog post can make this scenario happen. It attracts new website visitors while increasing brand awareness. Backed by thoughtful research, our copywriters compose pieces that illustrate your expertise in the subject matter at hand and provide value to the reader.

Once the blog post is written, we then apply search engine optimization practices to bolster their chances of appearing in search results. And our work does not end there. We analyze the performance of each piece after publication and use those metrics as guidance for future blog posts.

Content Marketing: Blogs
Content Marketing: eBooks

FREE eBook

Inbound Content Marketing Strategy


Representing an excellent opportunity to capture customer contact information, access to eBooks can be kept exclusive to website visitors who fill out a contact form. We begin by coming up with topics, based on in-depth research, that will entice visitors. From there, we pack the eBooks with original content that is valuable to our clients’ target audiences and custom graphics that capture their attention while succinctly driving home the points of the piece.

One of the biggest advantages of eBooks is the many ways in which this asset can be distributed. We promote eBooks on your social media channels and via email campaigns designed for the segments of your target audiences that will derive the most value from them.

Whitepapers & Expert Guides

Much like eBooks, whitepapers are ideal for capturing leads, as gaining access typically requires providing contact information. Whitepapers take a more in-depth approach than eBooks, with content backed by analysis and commentary. We conduct thorough research for the information we include in these advanced problem-solving guides and write them in a way that persuades readers with evidence and facts instead of blatant self-promotion.

Expert guides are another type of long-form content. Rather than presenting a problem and solution, guides give readers detailed instructions on how to accomplish certain tasks. The expert guides we write position our clients as experts on the topic at hand, earning the trust of their target audiences and encouraging them to seek our clients out for solutions. We also enhance the educational experience with diagrams, videos, and pictures that improve the odds they will complete the task successfully.

Content Marketing: Whitepapers
Content Marketing: Research Report

Research Reports

As their name implies, research reports are educational and firmly rooted in facts. They report the results of surveys relevant to the target audience’s business interests. While it may not sound exciting, this evidence-based approach is appealing to many prospects because it is non-promotional in nature. In creating research reports for our clients, we write a concise interpretation and analysis of survey results. Additionally, we provide best practices to address the challenges discussed in the report. Visuals are the star in this type of content and with this in mind, we design images such as infographics and charts to bring the data to life.


In a world over-saturated with content, videos stand out. Their dynamic nature makes them compelling right off the bat and they appeal to consumers’ preference for visual content. Plus, they engage two senses – sight and sound – at once to double their impact. They can be used for many purposes, ranging from generating interest among target audiences to closing deals.

We create videos in line with our clients’ brand standards, preferences and goals. We know exactly how to obtain the largest viewership in the shortest amount of time to give you more bang for your buck. In general, people will watch and share a video more than any other type of content marketing. We know what it takes to generate the highest number of views and shares.

Content Marketing: Videos
Content Marketing: Case Studies

Case Studies

A quiet but potent content asset, case studies showcase a client before, during and after you provided services for them. They demonstrate how your product or service improved their business in some way. And they are a budget-friendly alternative to costly original research that offers the same level of value to readers.

We write case studies about a common problem your target demographic faces, creating a piece that will inevitably appeal to them. Copy and graphics that highlight convincing data persuade readers to place trust in your solution. Our case studies also help optimize your website for user intent, as we incorporate the keywords and phrases your prospects use while conducting searches.

Comparison Charts

We give your audience the information they are seeking by designing custom comparison charts that display pertinent facts and figures in a visual format. Website visitors appreciate getting all of the information they need in one place. Comparison charts can either be used to sell your product or service, position your brand as a thought leader or accomplish both. Regardless, this content asset will engender trust among your target audiences in your expertise.
Content Marketing: Comparison Charts
Content Marketing: Checklists


Similar to expert guides, digital checklists help people accomplish a goal, albeit in a much more condensed format. They present a proven process readers can follow for assured success. Quick and easy to follow, our checklists lay out each step clearly and succinctly. They are designed to be a go-to resource for your leads and a reminder of how knowledgeable you are about their industry.

LinkedIn Pulse Articles

In order to boost brand awareness and engagement, your company needs to be active on as many platforms as you can. This will increase the chances of qualified prospects discovering your brand. LinkedIn Pulse allows you to self-publish content in its online aggregation feed. Since LinkedIn chooses content for each member based on the behavior they have exhibited through interaction with the platform, odds are your articles will appear in the feed of those whose business interests align with your services.

We know exactly what type of content will demonstrate your expertise and perform well on LinkedIn Pulse. Whether the development process involves interviewing a thought leader at your organization or taking a deep dive into research on our own, we create content that will get people reading, liking and sharing. Additionally, we use the platform to track the demographics of the members reading your articles to obtain valuable insight into your audience.

Content Marketing: LinkedIn Pulse Articles
Content Marketing: Infographics


As a form of content marketing, infographics are powerful. They incorporate design, writing, and analysis to present a visual shorthand of deep data. Viewers can digest the images and brief copy points easily and quickly, which is critical in the age of short attention spans. Plus, people tend to trust facts and figures.

Our graphic designers create infographics that are pleasing to the eye, scannable, and embeddable. We handpick information that shows an expert understanding of the subject to reinforce your expertise in target audiences’ minds.

Slide Shares

As the largest presentation community on the Internet, SlideShare gets about 60 million visitors per month and packs quite a marketing punch. The platform allows you to upload and share media such as presentations and videos. It is particularly beneficial for B2B marketing purposes.

We capitalize on the heavy volume of traffic SlideShare receives by creating and sharing high-quality videos optimized to attract more views, likes, and shares.

Content Marketing: SlideShares
Content Marketing: QA Websites

Q&A Websites

You may occasionally see a link to Quora or Yahoo Answers that may have shown up in your search results. Websites that allow qualified members to answer questions showcase your expertise on the subject at hand.

We save you time by monitoring questions and providing answers on your behalf. Using the knowledge we gain from interviewing thought leaders at your company and other research we conduct, we respond in a way that positions you as a thought leader to prospects.

Re-purposing Top Content

Meeting the persistent demand for content can seem overwhelming, but by re-purposing your existing top content, we extend its value and save you time in the process. Our copywriters and designers retool your content assets to make them bright, shiny, and new for your target audiences.
Content Marketing: Repurpose Content

Learn More About Content Marketing

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Hiring A Content Marketing Agency Or Doing It In-House

Effectively executing content marketing in-house is tough. A mere 40% of content marketers are successful at tracking return-on-investment (ROI). Fortunately, we are in this elite group. How did we get here?

The content we create always has a purpose and is always aligned with your business goals. We do not throw ideas at the wall to see if they will stick. And once we have delivered the content, we diligently analyze its performance to ensure it is getting the results it should.

Throughout the entire process, we leverage years of experience, advanced marketing tools & resources, and solid data to give you a spectacular ROI.