SEO Pricing Packages For Small To Midsize Companies

Our Organic SEO Services Drive More Targeted Traffic To Your Local, National, Or Ecommerce Website That Actually Converts

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Average Traffic Increase

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Average Conversion Increase

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5-Star Reviews

SEO Setup Pricing Packages

Ecommerce SEO Pricing Packages

Monthly SEO Pricing Packages

*12-Month Minimum

7-15% of gross revenue should be spent on SEO & marketing

source: chron

Choosing The Right Monthly SEO Pricing Package To Match Your Needs

Tag Marketing offers several monthly SEO pricing packages to match the needs and growth of most small to medium-sized businesses including local, national, and ecommerce.

  • STARTER – New to search engine optimization and have a limited budget.
  • SILVER – Tried SEO before but didn’t get the results you expected.
  • GOLD – Experienced good growth already with organic but feel like you can do even better.
  • PLATINUM – Want to grow more aggressively to create a top-ranking, targeted traffic-generating machine that takes your company to the next level.

Whatever your situation or budget, we can get you a return on your investment. Request a custom quote by filling out our short form and we will give you a call to discuss your needs, wants, timeframe, and audience. Then, we will send you an email with the custom SEO pricing package along with deliverables to reach your goal.

Tag Marketing & SEO Case Studies

In the world of web design, SEO, and online marketing, we’ve been working hard to command user attention, increase organic search traffic, and drive inbound leads that convert into actual sales. Tackling each project with passion and determination. Providing affordable pricing, achievable goals, and great customer service.

Growth Month-Over-Month


Increase in Sales

“We’ve worked with several marketing agencies. However, we struck GOLD when we found Tag Marketing! They’ve been extremely attentive… really digging into our business and our customer base. They understand what we need for growth and know exactly how to implement what works. We highly recommend Chris, Carm, and the entire Tag Marketing team.”

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Increase In Leads

“Carmen has substantially improved my company’s lead rate and he completely rebuilt our website. That rebuild helped my business grow beyond my expectations. Carmen always delivers marketing when promised and he pays attention to detail. I HIGHLY recommend his service and company.”

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Increase in Traffic

“We have been working with Carmen and Tag Marketing for 5 years. They have significantly improved our local presence and helped us get on the map nationally. We get a good amount of leads from our website, which continues to increase. Tag Marketing are experts in their field and will help set up a plan to make your business successful. I highly recommend them!”

The SEO Services & Process You Get With Our Package

Whether your business is established or a start-up, local or national, search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for its success. You need a dedicated team that strives for excellence and goes the extra mile to put you above your competitors while offering affordable pricing and comprehensive SEO packages so you know what you are getting and what your ROI is.

At Tag Marketing, we follow a result-driven process and execute the most effective SEO services and deliverables that have resulted in home runs for our clients time after time.

Our Proven SEO Process Developed Over Decades

SEO Research & Analysis Phase icon

Phase 1: Research

Our team will take a deep dive into keywords, competitors, your website’s historical data, industry, and geo-targeted audience. This is a big part of it all, setting us all up for success with a solid foundation of research and knowledge.

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Phase 2: Consult

During onboarding we will go over our findings, get our client’s feedback, and discuss your business goals and SEO expectations so we are all on the same page.

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Phase 3: Strategize

We will develop an SEO strategy, map out targeted keywords to their web pages or blog posts, set up deliverables and frequency, layout a timeframe of execution, and tie it all back together to your goals.

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Phase 4: Optimize

Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work setting up the software needed, implementing in-depth tracking, and fixing the technical SEO that is bad for your website and user experience. Then, we start knocking out to-do after to-do in your SEO pricing package and following our processes for each deliverable.

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Phase 5: Report

Experts will analyze all the data that we have collected about your website, analytics, benchmarks, traffic and lead quality, ROI and more. Discuss performance with our team, figure out what’s working and what isn’t, and come up with the next steps before presenting to you (our client) to go over everything with full transparency.

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Phase 6: Repeat

This is when we will take into account everything we have learned and discussed with you to move onward. We will tweak what is needed in order to stay on the path of achieving our next SEO milestone and ultimately our end goal.

The Services & Deliverables Included In Our SEO Pricing Packages

  • On-Page Optimization – All the measures that can be implemented directly on a web page, product page, collection page, or blog post in order to improve its position in organic search rankings.
  • Web Audit – An evaluation of your website’s friendliness to search engines that breaks down the most important individual factors that affect your PageRank.
  • Competitor Analysis – What are your competitors doing successfully and where are they lacking? This is where we utilize the good and fill in the gaps to beat the competition.
  • Google Search Console – This is a web service provided by Google that allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize the visibility of their websites. It also integrates with Google analytics for more advanced data reporting.
  • Google Analytics – This is a web service by Google that allows webmasters to track, analyze and report on important data such as traffic, conversions, sales, sources, channel performance and so much more.
  • Keyword Research – Find the most relevant keywords that your target audience is actively searching with. They come from various sources and relate to your business, industry, location, product, service, and messaging.
  • Keyword Grouping – The process of organizing keywords into closely related groups. It is an important part of SEO, PPC, and content creation.
  • Keyword Mapping – This is the framework of each page. It layouts out the focus keyword, supportive keywords, meta tags, and URL of every page individually.
  • SEO Road Map – An actionable document that outlines the services offered and the to-dos delivered to get you from point A to the goal line in a specific timeframe.
  • Page Speed Optimization – Making your web pages load faster is a part of Google’s core web vitals. Every second it takes to load, you lose ranking, traffic, leads, and sales. It’s mainly technical and includes everything from compressing files to caching files in browsers.
  • Title Tag Optimization – The title tag is a part of a meta tag that explains what is on your page in one short headline. Google and people use it to help determine the relevance to a search query.
  • Description Tag Optimization – The description tag is a part of a meta tag that explains what is on your webpage in one sentence or two. Google and people use it to help determine the relevance to a search query.
  • Image Optimization – Setting dimensions, compressing to a lighter file size, and using a 3rd party content delivery network (CDN) can all help improve page loading speeds. Also, Google uses alt tags to index web images and learn what story that image is trying to tell.
  • Canonical Tags – A link element on every page that helps webmasters and search engines prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred version of a web page.
  • XML Sitemap – A sitemap that web crawlers use to find and index all of your web pages, products, blogs, images, categories, and more. It gives the webmaster some control of what Google can and cannot show in their results to people.
  • Robots File – It is a text file that gets uploaded to the web server where your website is being hosted and that tells various web crawlers which areas of your site they are allowed to scan and process.
  • URL Redirects – If a page URL, domain, or web address changes it needs to be redirected to the new page or domain in order to keep the traffic going to the correct place and pass 99% of its “rank juice” over to the new page or domain.
  • Link Building – Quality inbound links to a page will improve its PageRank in search engines dramatically. Both inbound and outbound links tell Google that you are an authority on the topic being discussed and the content you’re sharing can be trusted. Also, your website’s link structure is vital for a good user experience (UX) because it helps them find what they’re looking for.

Meet Your Next & Last Online Marketing Service Partner

Tag Marketing agency is your go-to local, national, and ecommerce digital marketing and SEO company. We contour time-tested and result-proven marketing plans to align with your business and sales goals.

Our elite team of marketers, developers, and creative powerhouses are at your fingertips to overcome your current marketing and SEO challenges and pain points in order to achieve that level of success you dreamed about.

FAQs About SEO Pricing, Services, And Package Deals

What is organic SEO?

The process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves improving your website pages, landing pages, and blog articles so that they attract more targeted visitors organically from search engines like Bing and Google, not paid channels. Today’s search engines need to find the best, most relevant, useful, and trustworthy results. Results from both desktop, mobile, and voice search indexes.

The goal is to get ranked at the top of the organic results, which is directly below paid sponsored ads, in both the local businesses and webpage listing sections. Search engine algorithms are getting smarter and smarter, making thousands of updates each year. They don’t just understand keywords, they try to understand a searcher’s intent.

Why is SEO important?

SEO is the acronym of Search Engine Optimization which is the process of enhancing your website and online visibility, thus improving your page’s rank in search results organically (meaning not pay-per-click ads).

The higher the ranking or the higher on the Google results page you are, the more potential customers will visit your website.

Here are some SEO statistics to prove its importance:

  • 75% of people don’t even look past the first page of results
  • 68% of shoppers begin with a search engine
  • 60% of marketers say that SEO and content creation is their highest quality source of leads
  • 14.6% of SEO leads close versus 1.7% of traditional outbound leads
How do search engines work?

Search engines gather information about websites and index that information on their server.

The way they gather that information is by sending programs, known as spiders, that “crawl” or search through websites on the internet. They save and categorize information pertaining to that website, including metadata, content, and both inbound & outbound links.

When you search for something using a search engine like Google, the indexed data that matches your search is ranked and returned in an ordered list using an algorithm.

The criteria used to calculate the value of a website’s pages are based on thousands of factors such as page relevance, keyword matches, location, and more.

Does SEO really work anymore?
If done properly and not black hat style, then SEO will still work today and continue to gain momentum in the future as it is a long-term marketing strategy.

Even today 60% of all clicks go to the top 3 organic search results (below the ads) and 14.6% of SEO leads close versus 1.7% of traditional outbound leads. Not to mention, SEO has a 63% lower cost-per-lead than pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

Plus, when you invest in one of our organic search engine optimization pricing packages you will continue to see progress in your results and with customer feedback for years to come. Whereas if you just paid for your clicks through Google Ads or bought your leads from a lead aggregator company, once the money dries up, the results stop immediately and your customer’s education about your brand, products, and services stops. Think of it as renting results vs. owning results. Short-term strategy vs. long-term strategy.

Furthermore, a healthy blend of organic SEO and PPC will generate the best results when properly strategized to work off each other’s weak points. Especially when it comes to eCommerce.

How many types of SEO are there?

There are 3 types of organic SEO: on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO.

Some SEO experts will break it down even further by adding these types of SEO: local SEO, national SEO, eCommerce SEO, white hat SEO, black hat SEO, grey SEO, and negative SEO.

The one-time SEO packages priced out above were developed for local, national, and eCommerce small to medium-sized businesses. Each package includes on-page and technical SEO. If you are interested, we have larger packages that also include off-page SEO.

As far as the 3 types of “hat” SEO, they basically mean optimization practices that are either Google approved (white hat) or practices that take advantage of loopholes (black hat) that Google hasn’t closed yet but when they do can lead to severe penalties. Grey hat SEO is used sometimes by SEO agencies due to pressure to see quick results from a client and fall in between white and black hat search engine optimization.

Negative SEO refers to gorilla warfare with the intention of making your competitor’s search rankings suffer so you can have a chance to beat them for that keyword result.

Tag Marketing does not use black hat, grey hat, or negative SEO tactics. We do it the right way and think about long-term relationships with clients.

What should an SEO package include?

Most SEO and marketing pricing packages should include services such as research, data analysis, website audits, on-page optimization, off-page SEO, keywords, speeding up page load times, image optimization, meta tags, link building, technical SEO, tracking, content creation, reporting, and more.

How much should I pay for SEO services?

SEO services for small to midsize businesses can cost anywhere from $500 to $30,000.

Some SEO companies like ours have one-timer projects for the smaller budgets and offer monthly retainers for the more expensive and custom packages to make the services more affordable.

What determines SEO pricing?

There are lots of factors that determine the price of your SEO package including:

  • What is the agency’s level of experience?
  • How competitive is your area?
  • Are your keywords niche or competitive?
  • How many locations do you own?
  • Is the agency in demand right now?
  • What pricing model is being used?
  • What size is your company?
  • How aggressive are your goals?
  • How many pages or products does your website have?
  • Were you hit by a Google penalty?
  • And more
How fast can I see results from my SEO package?

It will depend on which SEO pricing package you choose and a bunch of factors such as competitiveness and current volume, but you should expect a 50-100% increase in organic traffic within about 3 months.

If your website is technically sound, has quality content, and you were not hit with any Google penalties previously (such as being involved in a link-building scam) our clients have experienced an average increase of 125% and some much much higher.

What mistakes should I avoid when hiring an SEO company?

There are several red flags that you should be aware of and mistakes to avoid when trying to choose a good SEO company.

  1. Don’t let price be your deciding factor and don’t let them force you into an SEO package that you can’t afford. It is okay to start small and work your way up as they prove their worth to you.
  2. Ignore any guarantees they make, the fact is they can’t make any. So red flag, they make promises that are too good to be true.
  3. Failing to set clear expectations and achievable goals. Everyone should be on the same page and you should know the direct path the agency is going to take to get you to your goal. If no goal is set, how can you judge performance? How do you know if you got your money’s worth or not?
  4. Read their online reviews. They are an SEO company and reviews are a part of search engine rankings. So if they don’t have any, that is a red flag. If they have a poor rating like 3 stars and below, that is an obvious red flag. Don’t just read the positive reviews either, read the bad ones as well.
  5. All SEO, whether on page or off, leads back to your website. If the company you are thinking about hiring doesn’t know that, that’s a red flag of their inexperience. If their strategy doesn’t take that into account, especially if you don’t even have a website, that is another reason not to hire them.
  6. Do not let them talk you into doing black hat or gray hat SEO. It might work for a little while, but it will hurt more in the long run and cost you more money to dig your way out of Google jail. Ask them if they do any of those tactics, if they do, they are not for you.
  7. Not contacting references, especially when they provide a case study. How do you even know that the case study was real? Does that company they made the case study about even know about it and are the results accurate? A few minutes can save you lots of time and money so ask for their references and make that call.
When do I pay for my SEO services?

When you decide to move forward after our consultation, we will invoice you the amount due before we start the project. Usually, our SEO and marketing packages start on the 1st or 15th of each month.

Am I locked into a long-term contract?

No. Our SEO setup packages are one-and-done projects, not retainers. And our ongoing monthly SEO retainers do not require a contract since they are pay-as-you-go month-to-month deliverables where you can stop anytime without penalty.

Depending on which one-time SEO setup package you choose, turnaround times will vary. Our smaller packages should be completed in a couple of weeks. Our larger and custom-priced packages will take about 3 months tops.

Learn More About Search Engines & SEO

It’s Time To Get A Lot More Of The Right Traffic

Our goal is to exceed your marketing and SEO expectations, not just meet them. After all, our success is in a direct relationship to your success. We see ourselves as true partners. You are never just another invoice number.

Tag Marketing excels in partnerships with B2B and B2C small to midsize companies committed to unlocking their potential and accelerating their local or national growth. How do we help them achieve this? By not cutting corners with your SEO and cutting out what doesn’t work.

We plan out an effective strategy for each SEO pricing package, even with custom packages. We utilize our proven process and the most effective deliverables by leveraging our vast experience, perfected skills, and technically advanced resources. To connect marketing strategies to your goals, create value, and bridge the gap between the money you spend and the return on your SEO investment.