Automated Workflow Case Study

Close More Deals & Skyrocket Revenue


National Retailer

12-month automation case study from 2019 to 2020.

Influenced Contacts
Automation accounted for 33.8% of total marketing Influenced contacts.
Closed Deals
Automation accounted for 43.7% of total marketing closed deals.
Influenced Revenue
Automation accounted for 40.3% of total marketing influenced revenue.

Automated Repurchase Reminders

This automated workflow accounted for 12.1% of total marketing influenced revenue.
Automated Repurchase Reminders

1,557 contacts

210 deals

$128,938 revenue

Automated Discounts Based On Last Product Viewed But Not Purchased

This automated workflow accounted for 9.0% of total marketing influenced revenue.

684 contacts

81 deals
$96,277 revenue
Automated Discounts Based On Last Product Viewed But Not Purchased

Automated Abandoned Cart Win Backs

This automated workflow accounted for 2.8% of total marketing influenced revenue.

Tag Marketing Email Design - Pure n Natural
105 contacts
32 deals
$29,752 revenue

Automated Email Sign-Up Discount

This automated workflow accounted for 8.6% of total marketing influenced revenue.

433 contacts
94 deals
$91,605 revenue
email signup discount

Automated Inactive Customer Recapture

This automated workflow accounted for 7.8% of total marketing influenced revenue.

inactive customer recapture
912 contacts
123 deals
$83,209 revenue

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