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More and more businesses are now almost required to create a website for their online presence. But how do users and your targeted customers find it? Search engines are more helpful now due to the process of indexing keywords from content on your webpages. Your website also needs to have good Meta Tags to make it easier for search engines to categorize your content and targeted keywords in order to increase your website visibility online. That brings us to the next question, how do you choose the right Meta Tags though?

What Do Search Engines Look For On Your Website?

Search engines use a specific algorithm in order to determine your website’s ranking when a user inputs their desired keyword search. Search engines usually look for where keywords are located on your webpage, how often the keyword shows up in your webpage, whether all of the shared links are relevant to your webpage content, and where most users visit when they search for a specific keyword. For more of an understanding about how search works, check out this article.


Choosing Meta Tags That Will Actually Boost Your Website Visibility

When you want to optimize your website for better visibility in a search engine, you can focus on different types of Meta Tags that will help provide higher organic rankings. The three most important types of Meta Tags that can be optimized are the title, description, and keywords. These should be placed towards the top of your page’s code in between the Head section.

Title Meta Tag: This is the most important one. You can get a higher organic search ranking by having relevant keywords within your title on every webpage. The title should make sense compared to what the objective of the webpage is; do not force keywords just to raise your position in search. Keep it between 60-70 characters long with the most important words closest to the beginning.

Description Meta Tag: Every webpage has a summary description, usually within 140-150 characters. This provides users with a summary of what the webpage is going to talk about or refer them to. Make sure that this description is clear and concise as well as relevant to your webpage’s objective. Also remember that, since users also see this, that you provide good copy and do not focus solely on keywords. Try to incorporate a focus keyword within the first sentence.

Keywords Meta Tag: This is the best place to put keywords or phrases that are relevant to your content and objectives while also grabbing attention to your target customers. They should match what you have written in the title and description. Don’t over do it, keep this clean with 5-7 keywords max.


When Choosing Keywords & Inserting Them Into Your Content, Think:

  • Make sure the keywords are relevant to all the Meta Tags on that specific webpage. Remember search engines rank pages, not websites.
  • Pick one focus keyword per page and use a few related keywords to reinforce it. They can by synonyms, different word orderings, intent phrases, and plurals.
  • Research which keywords will grab the most attention of your target audience. What would they be typing into search engines themselves?
  • If you’re using keyword software such as Google’s Keyword Planner, choose the lowest difficulty score with the most monthly searches and the least competition.
  • Make sure that the most important keywords are in front of the rest. Robots read from top to bottom, left to right.
  • Do not overuse a keyword. Search engines tend to penalize websites for doing this. They are smart and will find your keywords even if split up by other words.


Read Our eBook Today and Learn More SEO Tips & Tricks That Will Get You Found Online.

Now that you chose the right Meta Tags and implemented them, learn the basic webmaster guidelines to quality SEO and what to avoid.



eBook About Getting Found Online Through SEO